Sunday, January 10, 2010

A New Year, A New Bri?

A common motto for the New Year is to create "a new me". I can't say that is entirely a) realistic or b) necessary. Not that I don't have my faults, of course I do! I'm human. Not to mention I also come from Boston and at the right time you can catch me saying my ah's real funny. But honestly, I am so pleased with the way things have gone after graduation that to say I want to "turn my life around" would be a complete lie. If anything, I want to keep trekking full steam ahead

This is not to say that I didn't make my fair share of resolutions. Some think that New Years resolutions are ridiculous, unpractical and solely to keep gyms disgustingly packed for the month of January. All of this has a hint of truth to it, but having goals keeps you motivated in the whirlwind of life. 

Now as long as you make your goals reasonable, they can't be deemed ridiculous. (this of course is a variable shaped in the eyes of the resolution maker and of course the one judging them) For instance, don't make your resolution to fly to the moon unless of course a) you've got the money or b) you're an astronaut. Also keep in mind most private companies that are designing tourist space flights won't be ready until at least 2011.  

But no matter how within reach a goal maybe, those who aren't willing to sacrifice for it, put the time in or devote the energy necessary to accomplish it won't achieve jack squat. I know this advice is common knowledge, but it is amazing to me how many people don't take it to heart.  

I love the idea behind a New Years resolution, now if people could just stick to it...which brings me to my resolutions! 

The first is one that I actually made last fall, but I'm going to count it anyways. It is to run a half marathon, which I'll be doing February 7th along the sandy shore of Huntington Beach, California. If you want to check out the race click here for the link. It's coming up soon, I'm so excited!

The second is, now don't laugh, to learn Spanish..or I guess you could say relearn Spanish. Now anyone who knows me knows that I'm a math/science brained person who can barely speak in the English language, never mind a foreign one. Okay, so I'm a little hard on myself, I mean heck I am on television so I must be doing something right linguistically. Though after taking Spanish for 3 years in high school, 1 year in college and living in Miami for 4 years I can barely say a complete sentence. In fact, my Dad used to console me during my rough semesters by teasing me that the reason why I'm not good at Spanish is because my hair isn't brown

Well I'm not planning on dyeing my hair anytime soon, but I will by the end of this year speak another language. Thankfully, I have moved to another Hispanic dominated state, so my surroundings combined with Rosetta Stone should get me to my goal in no time...right?

I hope your resolutions inspire you to make 2010 the best it can be!

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